
In many other programming languages, “selection” is used to describe control structures such as “if then else” or “switch case”. In APL, we can get a similar effect by literally “selecting” elements from arrays.

      'APPLE'[1 3 4]                         ⍝ Select elements 1, 3 and 4
      ⍸ 1 0 0 1 0 1                          ⍝ Where are the 1s?
1 4 6
      (⍳5) IsDivisibleBy 2                   ⍝ 1 Where ⍺ is even
0 1 0 1 0
      {⍵[⍸⍵ IsDivisibleBy 123]}⎕AVU          ⍝ Numbers in ⎕AVU divisible by 123
0 123 8364 246


Finding the indices of a boolean array using the “where” function is an unnecessary extra step since we know that indices will never be repeated in this case.

The replicate function / (yes, some symbols have multiple meanings) repeats elements of an array along rows.

      1 2 3/'ABC'
      1 2 3/2 3⍴'DYALOG'
      1 ¯2 3/2 3⍴'DYALOG'

When used with a boolean array, the function is called compress.

      0 1 0/2 3⍴'DYALOG'


In the previous section you wrote the Tally function. There are two related primitive functions and . The examples above show the creation of arrays using reshape (dyadic ).

Take a moment to experiment with the shape , tally and reshape functions to get a feel for how they behave. What is the shape of the shape of an array? What is the shape of the tally?

i Note: You may find some arguments to reshape produce intolerably long output. Use the command ]rows -fold=3 to truncate the output.

Problem Set 3: Selecting from Lists

  1. Simple Simon Says Select These Elements
    1. Write a function to get even numbers from a numeric list.

             Even ⍳10
       2 4 6 8 10
             Even 1 17 19 22 32 15
       22 32   
    2. Write a function to get numbers which are divisible by 5 from a numeric list.

             Div5 ⍳50
       5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
             Div5 12 13 15 20 19 55 16
       15 20 55    
    3. Write a function to get numbers which are divisible by from a numeric list.

             3 Div ⍳30
       3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
             7 Div 11 17 21 42 18 7 0 70
       21 42 7 0 70          
  2. Without without
    Write a dfn which does’t use ~ to remove spaces from a text vector.

           NoSpace'here is some text'
           NoSpace'there   are   more   spaces   here'
  3. Where without Where
    Write a dfn which doesn’t use to find the indices of 1s in a boolean vector.

           Where 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 
     2 4 7
  4. sdrawkcab s’taht woN

    Write a dfn without using which reverses its right argument.

           Reverse 'Some characters'
     sretcarahc emoS
           Reverse ⍳10
     10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1